CHSSU (Cyprus ) is very interested in you. Our admissions team is eager to assist you as you embark on your journey to become a physician. We are here to supply all the information and guidance you need to start your medical journey at CHSSU.The Office of Admissions at CHSSU-with the support of the campus community and in accordance with the mission, vision, goals, and ethical framework of the institution-seeks to attract and enroll a full class of students who will uphold and advance the exceptional quality of the University.
If you provide the determination and desire, we'll help you realize your goals. At CHSSU we offer you the knowledge and guidance you need to confidently answer this challenge
You put enough pressure on yourself to succeed. Why compound your stress by trying to learn in a highly competitive setting? We pride ourselves on our cohesive, collegial environment. Instead of stepping over each other to get ahead, our students support each other every step of the way. Throughout these rigorous four years, you'll come together with your classmates to solve problems and master knowledge—and, in the process, create lasting ties.
You'll begin seeing patients early—within your second month of school. As you apply what you've learned in class to real-world practice, you'll build your clinical skills and boost your confidence.
You want to make an impact. From the moment you arrive at CHSSU , we'll show you how. Whether it's teaching city schoolchildren about the dangers of smoking, screening for chronic conditions at a student-run medical clinic or delivering prenatal care to a recently arrived refugee, we'll give you ample opportunities to put your talents to use—and make a difference among communities in need.
Rather than just one hospital, you'll train in several. Our distributed hospital system connects you with patients from all walks of life, and with a wide range of medical conditions. You'll adapt to a variety of health care settings while increasing the depth and breadth of your knowledge from our expert faculty practicing throughout the region.
We offer you an excellent education at a reasonable price. That means that you'll achieve the same high level of success as many your peers while incurring a fraction of the debt. The proof? It's in our outcomes: CHSSU medical students do as well as, or better than, the national average on licensing exams and match in some of the country's finest residency programs.
Our curriculum teaches you to think like a clinician. Working as a team with your peers, you'll learn to analyze information and solve problems—key skills that set you straight on the path to a successful practice of medicine. We organize our curriculum by organ systems so you will be able to readily integrate your knowledge from both the pre-clinical and clinical sciences into your solutions.
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